Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our December Sun...

so i think recently ive kinda fallen into myself, i was sick last week so i was barely out. i had possibly the most boring birthday ever, barr a small excursion with m' two new favourite buddies(actually their a happy couple now as i recently discovered, which on a sidenote is pretty cool)..i think sadly a certain sabrinas gotten through the past few days which is pathetic...i actually sat down a few times and tried to write a song and broke....its all just gone...anything i do write is shite!

im stuck. noone else is stuck.

i dont actually want anyone to read this rant(thats what it is by the way, its a rant to my laptop cause i dont really wanna say any of this stuff to two possible faces i could say it to)

i did see a good film today called incendiary...michelle williams is amazing. i decided today...



1 comment:

12345645645666777 said...

Cheer up, it might never happen ;)