Monday, September 15, 2008

Its Just The Principle

the past week ive had the pleasure diving head first into a world of work which i had no experience in...i found my feet and had great fun...and met Some really good people..

ive also come out of the job with a valuable lesson learned

to get what you deserve, work for. you need to stand up and means walking away from something you really really liked because people are liars.(& some Liars and also Incompetent Fuckwits)

end of.


Friday, September 5, 2008

consider the Sadness shaken!

ok i just feel really great after writing that last episode!

i just sat here thinking about everything in my life and its all pretty amazing!

i really wanna go stand out in the rain.....:)

Can't shake the Sadness

its pouring rain outside. 
i love the rain.

im wondering is the thrill and fun of an amazing weekend(electric picnic) really worth feeling really shitty and moody for a whole week

this moaniness (witnessed above) is what im talking about this uber crankful...maybe its just the comedown of being back in normality...oh actually, you know what it is!

its that i wore all my good clothes to the picnic and theyve been in the wash for the past week...thus ive been rewearing the same pair of jeans all week...


im pretty excited about starting work on the fringe!
i just wanna dive right into it.
and im picking up my new car at 2!

granted i cant actually drive it around i will be sitting in it in my front garden listening to the radio(i never listen to the radio)

maybe i could sit in the back of my NEW car (which is second hand and proud of it ;) ) and write some much needed new songs...plan!

a weekend with all the people i love .....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

passion leaves its trace / noones coming to save you

i think its been two days since i played a gig with jay brannan and justin bond et lady j, being on the stage felt amazing. it felt how i always want to feel. everyday. i was doing exactly what i feel i was meant to be doing. i was pure on and i was surrounded by the people i love being near, and then i got to go backstage and feed the passion with jay brannan and justin bond!

it was amazing.

i walked out to the front of the stage to watch the show and i was blown away by the whole thing. i stood there like a fool (a happy fool...) and basked. i still cannot believe i was part of that amazing show. Event.

heh i cant believe it.

any way.
i, this very night have committed the next 15 of my nights to some very hard fringe festival gonna be very wrecked..but i have car insurance to pay now, as of tomorrow....

oh! i bought a car...i love it, shes a beaut....i just have to learn to drive now..

im pondering how much i can actually say on this the last time i kept a blog religiously it killed about 3 possible relationships

i think the main reason for this particular episode is to profess my passion for performing, for playing my music.

also i love love love that line in jays song...noones coming to save you...

latersguys(if anyones actually reading)